google-site-verification=SpsoFjzdytZqCStVylaokvPOx7HSJSXAxZv7Apb8eeU Reviews | VaccUFlex
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"VaccuFlex is a must have for anyone who owns a clothes dryer. Cleaning the removable lint filter with each load is a given, but over time bits and pieces of lint end up accumulating below the filter. I heard a story recently about the potential fire risk* this can cause so I wanted to clean the area. The problem is that the slot where the lint filter fits on my dryer is very narrow and I couldn’t figure out a way to vacuum it out. VaccuFlex solved the problem. The tubing included with the VaccuFlex fits perfectly down the narrow opening. Whoa! I found quite a bit of lint, in addition to several coins, paper clips and even a small nail! Who knew all that could end up in the dryer vent! Now that I have the proper tool for the job, I’ll be able to vacuum out the lint frequently. (actual picture below)

A clogged clothes dryer is not just a fire hazard; it can also cause your energy bills to increase by requiring longer drying times and can cause the heating element and blower in the dryer to wear out faster. Cleaning your dryer vent on a regular basis can protect your home, save money and make your clothes look better."

*According to the National Fire Protection Association, from 2010-2014, U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated annual average of 15,970 home structure fires involving clothes dryers or washing machines, the vast majority of which (92%) involved clothes dryers. The leading items first ignited in dryer fires were dust, fiber or lint.

— Lori, Happy Customer

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